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Length of Tour: 3 hours

We propose the following itinerary for a half day tour of this outstanding medieval city that has beautifully preserved its character and quality through centuries. The historical center of Siena is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Piazza del Campo
The fan-shaped square, where the renowned horse race, Palio di Siena, is held, is flanked by many imposing palazzos including the majestic white marble and brick Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall) where the Museo Civico is housed. The Civic Museum has an amazing collection of medieval and Renaissance art, paintings, frescoes, and artifacts including the stunning Maestà by Simone Martini. An entrance fee is required.

Next to the Palazzo, the Torre del Mangia, one of the tallest towers in Italy, dominates the square and offers an extraordinary panorama of the city and countryside.  An entrance fee is required. On the opposite side of the square, there is a monumental fountain, Fonte Gaia, by Jacopo della Quercia.

The sumptuous Duomo of Siena, Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (Our Lady of the Assumption), stands out in the city skyline. In the interior, the superlative marble-inlay floor represents 56 different scenes. We can also admire the stunning octagonal pulpit by Nicola Pisano and the Piccolomini Library frescoed by Pinturicchio in the early 16th century.
Radioguides are necessary for groups and we will book them for you unless the group is already equipped with them.
An entrance fee is required.

The majestic Basilica of San Domenico houses many works of art but is famous because it hosts several relics of Santa Caterina da Siena including her Holy Head. Catherine of Siena is one of the Patron Saints of Italy along with Saint Francis of Assisi.

The Complesso Museale Santa Maria della Scala was one of the oldest hospitals in Europe. Today the ancient hospital is a large and fascinating museum complex possessing important Sienese collections of art, archeology and science.
An entrance fee is required.

Palio of Siena
Today, Siena is divided into 17 districts. A district is known as a contrada. Each contrada is named after an animal or symbol. Living in these contradas means everything to their residents. For the Palio, a representative of each contrada races on horseback twice yearly, but only 10 of the 17 are allowed to participate. It is a very heated affair and every Sienese participates. Make no mistake, it is taken very seriously and loyalty is fierce. The colorful banners with each contrada’s coat-of-arms are hung from the respective windows and doorways. Many manifestations take place in the four days prior to the Palio including the blessing of the horses and jockeys. It is an extremely lively affair!

Please note:  entrance fees are extra. Please request information regarding the various ticket prices and packages available.

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